Five of the eight new members to Malone University's board of trustees are alumni. Each will serve a three year term and began their service on the board at the October meeting. New alumni trustees are: Dr. Ronald Crock '88, '01, Physician, Mercy Medical Center, Kathleen Graening '82, CEO/Owner of the Alive Christian Music Festival, Martha Mooney '74, D.V.M., Owner, Maple Run Veterinary Clinic, Lyndon Thomas, Manager, Real Estate and Facility Planning, Timken Steel and Lamar Wyse '68, President/Owner, Wyse Solutions.

Since graduation in 1975, these Malone alumnae have kept in touch and gathered regularly to reminisce and catch up. Sara (Fleming) Bender, Lori (Linerode) Dickerhoof, Cindy (Allen) Groetz, Brenda (Frederick) Hostetler, Gloria (Schneider) Jasperse, Carol (Reinhold) Smith, and Sandy (Kuhn) Vaughn met for a Thanksgiving brunch and spent a spring weekend in Columbiana, Ohio, during the past year.
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