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Showing posts from September, 2014

Tim Carmany '07

Tim Carmany is one of 160 artists in the Akron Art Prize contest on display in downtown Akron art galleries.  Tim's artwork is entitled "Advanced Anatomy #7" and is painted on 6 overlapping windows in 3-D fashion. It is on display at the Summit Artspace, 140 E. Market St., Akron. For more details, see  Tim is the manager at The Hub Gallery and Studios in Canton.

Keegan Spera '03

Keegan Spera is a Manager of Shelter Research and Development at the national ASPCA, working remotely in Charleston, South Carolina. She graduated with honors from Gonzaga University with a Master of Arts in Leadership and Communication in 2012. Keegan is also the owner and photographer of Keegan Spera Photography. She lives in the Charleston area with her husband, Eric and their three rescued fur-children.  

Shelley Urey '82, '13

Shelley Urey earned her M.A. degree in Education for Clinical Counseling in Dec. 2013. She is an Outpatient Therapist with Coleman Behavioral Health. Shelley writes, "I am truly blessed to serve the clients at this agency and am inspired by them everyday."

Ruby (Rivera) Gibbons '88

Ruby (Rivera) Gibbons has accepted the position as Chaplain with Ohio Mental Health Addiction Services at Northcoast Behavioral Healthcare. She will serve as the Pastor of the hospital. Ruby was also named Emerging Leader of the Year by the National Association of Social Workers Ohio Chapter Region 8. Ruby has earned an M. A. in Education in Christian Counseling, M.S. in Social Administration,  a B.A. in Social Work from Malone University, and a B.A. in Theology.

Julia Barber '14 and TJ McDonald '13

Julia Barber to TJ McDonald on August 9, 2014 at Parkside Church in Green. TJ is working at Canton First Friends as the Director of Church Media and Julia works at the Evangelical Friends Church - Eastern Region World Outreach Center as the Executive Secretary. Julia writes, "We're living in Canton and doing well!"