Chad and his wife, Cheryl, have two sons, Sutton and Rocco, and a daughter, Karsten.
After 30 years of ministry with the Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region as a pastor and as a missionary in Taiwan and East Asia, Mark Engel '78 founded Restoration House Ministries International (RHMI) in 2008 and opened the Canton House of Prayer. In 2009 Mark, his wife Terri (Shackelford) '84, 98 and a small group of ministry partners, planted Gateway Church, which fully aligned with the Anglican Church of North America in April, 2015.
Mark serves as an Overseer for Open Bible Fellowship in Morrison, IL, on the board of directors of Transformed Hearts Ministries in Post Falls, ID and as an Instructor in the U. S. Center for World Missions Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course. He has previously served as a board member and trainer for a mission organization training church leaders in East Asia, as an adjunct professor of Missions/Cross-Cultural Ministry and as a member of the Advisory Council of the School of Theology at Malone University. He is an active participant in local City/County ministerial associations.
Mark and his wife, Terri, are the parents of three adult children.