Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Zovinar Najarian Lair


Zovinar Najarian Lair on August 30, 2020. Visit cantonrep.com

Elizabth C. Shaffner `87

Elizabth C. Shaffner `87 on December 5, 2020. Visit https://www.lamiellfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Elizabeth-Betty-Claire-Allen-Schaffner?obId=19243817#/obituaryInfo

David L. Geisberger `61

David L. Geisberger `61 on November 23, 2020. Visit https://www.reedfuneralhome.com/obituary/David-L.-Geisberger/Massillon-Ohio/1881714

Dalton A. Van Valkenburg


Dalton A. Van Valkenburg on November 15, 2020. Visit https://www.reedfuneralhome.com/obituary/Dalton-A.-Van-Valkenburg/North-Canton-OH/1881698

Willam E. Locker `78


Willam E. Locker `78 on December 1, 2020. Visit https://www.gordonfuneralhomes.com/obituary/William-LockerII.

Linda M. Phillips `67

 Linda M. Phillips `67 on December 2, 2020. Visit https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/cantonrep/obituary.aspx?n=linda-m-phillips&pid=197230995&fhid=4066

Richard Varagliotto `94


Richard Varagliotto `94 on November 30, 2020. Visit https://www.starkmemorial.com/obituary/RichardRich-Varagliotti

Doris (Deane) Morris `49

Doris (Deane) Morris `49 on September 7, 2020. Visit https://omegaservices.com/obituaries/doris-d-morris/1038/

LeVerne Peakes `06

 LeVerne Peakes `06 is now the Community Development Manager for Euclid's Department of Planning and Development. Read more at https://www.news-herald.com/news/cuyahoga-county/euclid-hires-new-community-development-manager-to-oversee-upcoming-projects/article_3f0e083e-39aa-11eb-a4ad-db9a8c40c0de.html

William E. Casto `62


William E. Casto `62 on December 10, 2020. Visit https://www.snyderfuneralhomes.com/obituary/william-e-casto/

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Helen Farmeer `13


Helen married the love of her life, Daniel Grunder, after a lifetime of prayer and patience waiting for the man God had chosen for her. They were joined in a small family ceremony October 17th of this year, and reside happily in North Canton, Ohio.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020

Dawson Thomas Seeholzer


Dawson Thomas Seeholzer was born April 26, 2020 to Ashley (Kuhn) `13 and Cory Seeholzer.