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Showing posts from May, 2016

Alex Hermelin '10 and Rachel Hindman

Alex Hermelin '10 to Rachel Hindman on April 15, 2016. Alex and Rachel are both nurses at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri.

Eric Ambrus '08

Eric Ambrus '08, RN, BSN, Mercy Cardiovascular Special Care Unit, received one of Mercy's five 2016 Clinical Excellence Awards. Eric has been a member of Nurse Practice Council, Infection Control Committee and a Preceptor at Mercy Medical Center. He is currently a staff nurse in the Special Care Unit.

Michael Land '07

Michael Land '07 oversees Production at the Bath Campus of Grace Church of Greater Akron. He specializes in the installation and operation of audio, video and lighting systems and live production management and organization.

Anne Nesser '11

Anne Nesser '11 is the Digital Team Leader at 104.9 the River, part of One Connection Media Group in Columbus. She writes, "I work with an awesome team of creative cohorts, and together we manage 104.9 the River's website, social media platforms, blogs, etc. We're kind of like a mini agency. Just a band of content monsters working to bring a radio platform into the digital world."

Terry '68 and Drinda (Bowersox) '69 Hanni

Terry and Drinda Hanni were mystery alumni in the Malone Magazine. Now retired, they spend their time between Glenmoor in Canton and Ft. Myers, FL. Drinda taught French and English for 35 years. Terry worked in technical services and sales for metal forming plants. The Hannis have two children and three grandchildren. Terry writes, "I still play a lot of golf and Drinda is active in various community activities. We were truly surprised when we saw the picture. It brought back great memories from our time at Malone."

Adam Sabados '06

Adam Sabados '06 has been promoted to Digital Media Manager for Tyndale House Publishers in Chicago. He is reponsible for coordinating social media marketing and strategy for the Tyndale corporate brand and book marketing, advertising planning and buying, social media analytics, trade shows, blogging, content creation, video and podcast producing and editing. Adam started with the publishing house in 2007 as an Author Services Representative and has been promoted through other marketing and digital media positions.

Amanda Flower '02

And the winner is...Amanda Flower's novel, Andi Unstoppable , the third mystery in the Andi Boggs series won the Agatha Award for Best Children’s/ Young Adults Novel. Read more about Amanda and her books here.