Rev. Dr. Matthew Everhard '99 is the Senior Pastor of Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brooksville, Florida, and general editor of He is a 2006 graduate of Ashland Theological Seminary (M.A., Practical Theology), and holds a Doctor of Ministry from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. Everhard has published four entries, "Happiness/Joy," "Predestination," "Original Sin," and "Hell" in the forthcoming Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia, edited by Harry S. Stout (Grand Rapids, MI: Eedmans, 2017). This volume is designed to be the definitive source of reference material related to the American Puritan pastor, theologian, and philosopher, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). He also has edited and contributed to the new academic, peer-reviewed journal, entitled The Westminster Society Journal, Volume One, "Means of Grace." Published by the Westminster Society. This newly launched journal features the writings of min...