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Showing posts from January, 2018

Camdyn Josiah Beebe

A son, Camdyn Josiah Beebe, on November 7, 2017 to Kelly (Fath) '03 and Jordan Beebe '03. He joins sisters Adalyn and Brooklyn.

Kathy Husk '83

Kathy Husk ’83 and her husband, Tim, are Wycliffe Bible translators. They help communities design sustainable Bible translation projects that engage with churches in Papua New Guinea. One project is Oral Bible Translation workshops to train people to accurately retell Bible stories in their own languages. Learn more about Oral Bible Translation.

Emily Hess '04, Ph.D.

Emily Hess   ’0 4, Ph.D., a   visiting assistant professor of History  at Ashland University, was recently honored   with an   Academic Mentor Award   for  her   academic leadership with regard to students beyond the classroom. Dr. Hess was nominated by a current student  and received an engraved silver plate .

Sarah Dickey '10

Sarah Dickey '10 has published her first book,  Ode To Love: A Journey of Awakening, " a Rumi-esq prose poem accompanied by black and white photography".  This is the first title coming out of Cool Creative Press, an Indie Publishing Company that Sarah Dickey founded in 2017.  Cool Creative Press discovers writers committed to the climatic adventures of living through a creative lens and whose voices exhibit authenticity and positivity in the world. Check out .

Alicia Meyer '17

Alicia Meyer '17 is a Resident Director at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. Alicia served in WWF for three years as a Resident Assistant and an Assistant Resident Director while at Malone.

James Abbott '80

James Abbott '80 was nominated by President Donald Trump, and unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on November 16, 2017, to become Member, Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years.

Logan Adam McElrath

A son, Logan Adam, adopted by Michelle (Howard) '07 and Rich McElrath on June 26, 2017. Michelle is a special education teacher for Marlington Schools. The family lives in Kent.

Christopher Martin '07

The Martin family has officially adopted two children as of June 15, 2017.  The children's names are Geno Caleb Martin age 6 and Julie Anna Rose  Martin age 4.

Peggy Hothem '71

Peggy Hothem '71 - Has retired after 40 years of teaching in Christian higher education. "When I joined the team in 1967-68, we were of course still playing 6 player teams. Being a part of the basketball team caught my interest in teaching physical education and pursuing a Master’s degree in HPER. Upon that completion, I started teaching PE and coaching in Christian higher education. Those experiences turned into my going for an EdD in Leisure Studies. I attribute the beginning of this rewarding call to the Lord guiding me to play basketball at Malone!"

Nicholas Skiles '12

Nicholas Skiles '12 is a Project Assistant at the International Procurement Agency (USA), Inc. In Canton, OH.

Dave Warstler '09

Dave Warstler '09 is an Audio Visual Technician at UBS in Nashville, TN and a music producer at Z House Productions creating music for radio/TV commercials, films, TV shows and websites.

Andrew Fouts'14

Andrew Fouts '14 is the lead Pastor at West Park Friends Church in Cleveland, Ohio.

Rob Basso '15

Rob Basso MBA '15- Rob recently started a new business. He joined the CPR Franchise , its a 480 multi national franchise.

Tara Hilverding '16

Tara Hilverding '16 is now a Mental Health Technician at Coleman Professional Services of Kent, Ohio.

Joelle (Cochran) Stine '02

Joelle (Cochran) Stine '02 accepted a managerial position with Thomson Reuters. She is now a Content Team Lead in the Financial & Risk division. She celebrated her 15 year anniversary with the company in August of 2017.

David Garwood '11

David Garwood '11 is Communications Technician at the City of Dublin Police Department (OH).

Alexis Kreiner '16

Alexis Kreiner '16 was awarded the $5,000 Ludel Saugaveot Public Relations Scholarship from the Akron Press Club and the John S. Knight Foundation (Akron Beacon Journal).  Alexis is a teaching assistant and directs Communications at TIMKATIC School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Andrew McNulty '12, '16 MBA

Andrew McNulty '12, '16 MBA is a Commercial Banking Credit Analyst at Farmers National Bank of Canfield.  Andrew is a member of the Malone Young Alumni Board of Directors and a former president of the Board.

Dr. John P. Williams, Jr. '67

Dr. John P. Williams, Jr. ’67 has written The Dopamine Journals: Notes on Finding Hope When Life Hands You a Not-Yet Curable Disease. He shares his journey of discovering hope in the midst of the storm. It is available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Landon Rick Anthony Troyer

A son, Landon Rick Anthony Troyer, on July 7, 2017, to Hannah (Rainieri) '13 and Justin Troyer '14. Hannah is a stay-at-home mom and Justin is a Mortgage Loan Consultant with Farmer's National Bank in Kidron.

Caleb Glenn Concilio

A son, Caleb Glenn Concilio, to Beau and Susan '11 Concilio on November 27, 2017. Susan is a nurse at St Clair Hospital in Pittsburgh.