Lexa Grace Naylor was born April 21, 2018 to Kevin and Heather (Riggar) Naylor '08. She joins big sister Kyla (4) and big brother Logan (3). The family lives in Simpsonville, SC.
Kayla (Williams) Pavlantos '17 and Teddy Pavlantos '17 married on May 19, 2018. Teddy is an RN in the Emergency Department at Akron Children's Hospital and Kayla is pursuing a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Akron.
Kristen Moore '04 has been selected to the Stark County Bar Association's Executive committee. "We have a stellar local bar and I am proud to serve them." She currently is a Magistrate with the Stark County Court of Common Pleas.
Andrew Ciaccia '12 has graduated from boot camp at Ft. Benning, Georgia as a Specialist in the US Army. Upon graduating, Andrew was enrolled into the US Army Officer Candidate School to earn a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant.
A daughter, Adalyn Grace, to Eric '13 and Sarah '13 (Reffey) Gilbert on January 24, 2018. Eric and Sarah are both accountants who live and work in Columbus.