Aila Nelle Alderfer was born 11/11/19 to Hannah Alderfer `13 a Personal Trainer at Intelligent Fitness and Benjamin Alderfer class of `12 `18 Grants Officer at Aultman Health Foundation.
Jonathon Bollas `19 trailing by 1 vote. Awaiting remaining approvals of late absentee and provisional ballots. Recount to follow to determine winner. Read more...
JR `01 and Amy Rozko will be officially installed this Sunday, November 10, at First Church of the Resurrection ( 901 Tuscarawas St E), the oldest church in Canton, as their new lead pastors during their 9:30am service. JR is a 2001 Malone graduate and Amy is a former staff member (Office of Spiritual Formation). Read more...
Michael Sleasman Ph.D. `98 was appointed Associate Professor of Bioethics and Director of Bioethics Degree Programs at Trinity International University this past summer.