Deron Boring '01, J.D., is attorney at law for Deron M. Boring Law Office. He is a member of the Malone Alumni Executive Board and an adjunct professor in the School of Business. What is your advice for working in a secular world? " For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. " 2 Corinthians 10:3 Be confident and unwavering in your faith and your convictions. Don’t be afraid to live your life out loud as a Christian but your actions, words, your work ethic, and how you live your life should do the majority of the talking for you. While I freely talk about my faith, there are times where it may not be appropriate. How I work, how I act, how I speak, and the love and compassion that I can show towards others is never inappropriate. It’s a tough world out there, standing up for what God commanded us to do can be costly. Be firm in your faith! What’s the greatest thing Malone prepared you for? How to work hard and put my best foot forward in all I...