What is your advice for working in a secular world?
I am blessed to work for a Christian boss, however I have co-workers that are not Christians. I strive for the same thing in my work place as I do in everyday life, to be the best witness for Christ that I can be. I was raised to preach the Gospel always, and if necessary use words.
What’s the greatest thing Malone prepared you for?
My road to the profession I have come to love was a rocky one. When I was at Malone I thought I had the future all figured out. How wrong I was. God had a plan for me that I never expected. I am learning to trust His plan and His timing. I got such a diverse education at Malone that my degree still prepared me for almost anything. Malone also prepared me to be able to stand as a Christian in a fallen world.
What’s the best advice you could give about life after graduation?
Remember that God is always in control. Even when you feel like things are completely out of control and you aren't sure what direction to turn, remember He knows what's next. Also, remember to trust in His timing. It is perfect. His plan and timing has always been perfect.
What skill should recent grads hone?
Networking---Learn how to use the connections you have and how to make new ones.
How did you find your first job?
Networking, before it was given the name.
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