Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Zovinar Najarian Lair


Zovinar Najarian Lair on August 30, 2020. Visit cantonrep.com

Elizabth C. Shaffner `87

Elizabth C. Shaffner `87 on December 5, 2020. Visit https://www.lamiellfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Elizabeth-Betty-Claire-Allen-Schaffner?obId=19243817#/obituaryInfo

David L. Geisberger `61

David L. Geisberger `61 on November 23, 2020. Visit https://www.reedfuneralhome.com/obituary/David-L.-Geisberger/Massillon-Ohio/1881714

Dalton A. Van Valkenburg


Dalton A. Van Valkenburg on November 15, 2020. Visit https://www.reedfuneralhome.com/obituary/Dalton-A.-Van-Valkenburg/North-Canton-OH/1881698

Willam E. Locker `78


Willam E. Locker `78 on December 1, 2020. Visit https://www.gordonfuneralhomes.com/obituary/William-LockerII.

Linda M. Phillips `67

 Linda M. Phillips `67 on December 2, 2020. Visit https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/cantonrep/obituary.aspx?n=linda-m-phillips&pid=197230995&fhid=4066

Richard Varagliotto `94


Richard Varagliotto `94 on November 30, 2020. Visit https://www.starkmemorial.com/obituary/RichardRich-Varagliotti

Doris (Deane) Morris `49

Doris (Deane) Morris `49 on September 7, 2020. Visit https://omegaservices.com/obituaries/doris-d-morris/1038/

LeVerne Peakes `06

 LeVerne Peakes `06 is now the Community Development Manager for Euclid's Department of Planning and Development. Read more at https://www.news-herald.com/news/cuyahoga-county/euclid-hires-new-community-development-manager-to-oversee-upcoming-projects/article_3f0e083e-39aa-11eb-a4ad-db9a8c40c0de.html

William E. Casto `62


William E. Casto `62 on December 10, 2020. Visit https://www.snyderfuneralhomes.com/obituary/william-e-casto/

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Helen Farmeer `13


Helen married the love of her life, Daniel Grunder, after a lifetime of prayer and patience waiting for the man God had chosen for her. They were joined in a small family ceremony October 17th of this year, and reside happily in North Canton, Ohio.