Joyce (McElroy) `75 and Fredrick Sams `75 We grew up only six miles from each other, but we didn’t meet until Dr Robert Hess’ “Critical & Creative Thinking” class first thing our freshman year, 1971. We thought more creatively than critically trying to figure out ways to connect amidst our hectic adjustments to college life. But it didn’t take long to end up together in the Jewish Center pool at a SAC party. A few dates later we first kissed balancing on the old wooden bleachers in the dark at the soccer field. Thankfully our balance back then was better than now or there could have been one less Pioneer love story. Our “courting career” could be summed up: “I chased her until she caught me.” That cryptic quote deserves an explanation. We dated off and on for the next five years; more off than on. But even when we weren’t dating we were best friends, often consulting with each other on every topic from whom to date to the mysteries of life. Those five years of friendship...