Vanessa (Penick) `17 and Jake Bohrer `17
It was the first month of our freshman year. I (Jake) was a freshman at Malone and Vanessa was a freshman at Stark State College. We actually met while we both worked at Applebees September of our Freshman year. I went back to my dorm room in PGB the day I met her and told my new friends that I just met the woman I was going to marry. They didn't believe me, haha. Vanessa would always come visit at Malone and ended up transferring Sophomore Year; that year we were both sophomore homecoming court. We've made so many wonderful memories and friends during our time at Malone. We recently welcomed our 4 month old son Barrett into the world and live close to Campus still! We are grateful for our Malone Memories!
Since graduation in 1975, these Malone alumnae have kept in touch and gathered regularly to reminisce and catch up. Sara (Fleming) Bender, Lori (Linerode) Dickerhoof, Cindy (Allen) Groetz, Brenda (Frederick) Hostetler, Gloria (Schneider) Jasperse, Carol (Reinhold) Smith, and Sandy (Kuhn) Vaughn met for a Thanksgiving brunch and spent a spring weekend in Columbiana, Ohio, during the past year.
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